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Amazon lobbyists banned from European Parliament

Amazon lobbyists banned from European Parliament

Amazon lobbyists have been met with a stern hand from the European Parliament, finding themselves unwelcome within its halls.

Amazon lobbyists banned from European Parliament

Their access passes are being revoked amid growing concerns surrounding transparency and working conditions, marking a rare and significant decision in the realm of EU lobbying practices.

This move marks only the second instance in the European Parliament's history where lobbyists representing a specific company have been denied access, with the first being the controversial agricultural biotechnology firm Monsanto in 2017. For Amazon, this decision represents a notable setback in its efforts to engage with European legislators and policymakers.

The decision to revoke Amazon lobbyists' access stems from the persistent refusal of the company to engage in meaningful dialogue regarding its labor practices. A group of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) pressed for action, arguing that it is unreasonable for Amazon to lobby them while simultaneously hindering their ability to represent the interests of European citizens and address concerns about potential breaches of fundamental rights outlined in EU treaties and labor laws.

Amazon's lobbying efforts in Europe encompass a multifaceted approach, involving both direct representatives and intermediaries representing various interests. According to reports, Amazon has 14 accredited lobbyists in Brussels, indicating a substantial investment in influencing EU policy decisions.

However, this investment has been met with criticism from civil society organizations, with 30 of them signing an open letter in support of the MEPs' call to ban Amazon lobbyists. These organizations have long criticized Amazon's treatment of its workers and have emphasized the importance of preserving the integrity of EU policy-making processes.

In response to the ban, Amazon expressed disappointment, highlighting its desire to engage constructively with policymakers. With a significant presence in Europe, boasting over 150,000 permanent employees across the continent, Amazon stresses the importance of its engagement with policymakers in Brussels and beyond. Nevertheless, the ban underscores the EU's growing scrutiny of large tech companies and emphasizes the imperative for compliance with regulations and a commitment to social responsibility.

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